Screw Zoom

by stink - on Jun 15, 2021 11:13am to rant zoom comments(5)
Edit(Jun 19, 2021): This post has been heavily edited since the original version was written. In the original version I went off on a tangent that didn't make sense.


Ever since the pandemic started, everyone wants to zoom. Can we do a zoom interview call? Can we do a zoom meeting? Let's set up a zoom. Let's do a quick zoom. Let's all get on a zoom. Oh, Debbie needs to do a zoom for this quick Excel fix.

Screeew video calls.

It feels like Covid and zoom killed the phone call. Is it really necessary to see me while we talk?

More generally, there are three ways to communicate while working from home: written, voice only and video calls. Some love written communication and hate voice/video. Others can only do voice or video because they can't type.

Communication mechanism is a very important consideration to make when working from home and some people may not be able to work with each other because they prefer to use different communication mechanisms - which is unfortunate.

My prediction is that written communication will be used more and more as more people learn to touch type.
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  • by peaches - on Jun 16, 2021 12:09pm
    F*ck Zoom? Nooo, I talk to all my friends on there.
  • by nope - on Jun 25, 2021 6:44pm
    > It feels like Covid and zoom killed the phone call. Is it really necessary to see me while we talk?

    Seriously, this. 1000 times this.
    • by stink - on Jun 26, 2021 11:25am
      Glad someone agrees.
    • by Henry-am-Set - on Jul 29, 2021 12:30pm
      I agree. Audio latency is bad enough, don’t make it worse by transmitting bored looking faces.